How large a space can this Deodorizer treat?

How large a space can this Deodorizer treat?

We know many of our competitors like to tout total Sq footage as a marketing tactic but for all practical purposes that estimated figure does not reflect real-world usage patterns.

The total treatable area is not particularly relevant for portable Deodorizers unless you are perhaps treating a large gymnasium or auditorium with a complete open-plan area.

Like split system HVAC, the Deodorized air will not travel very far outside of one room even with the doors open. So if the Deodorizer was placed in a centralized position in a 5000sq home with all the adjoining doors open the net result would be massively uneven results at best and at worst the main location would be severely over-treated with the furthest rooms being left almost untouched.

These devices are meant to be used to treat one room at a time with the door closed for the best results. Then room by room until the entire home/office is sufficiently treated.

This unit is commercially rated to eradicate even the strongest of odors in very large areas. In average to large sized rooms, even 15min of operation is more than enough.

The deodorizing smell will dissipate in time from all items, including furniture and will not harm any inert material.

It is a fine balancing act between using the correct dosage to neutralize the odor you are trying to remove and over-treatment which will only increase your downtime until the deodorizing smell naturally breaks down.

A little deodorization goes a long way,  we would recommend a short conservating treatment first then repeat and increase the duration if the desired results are not achieved. Many of our customers typically have a problem with over-treating an area because the output is so high.