Deodorization Smell

Deodorization smell, what is it?

We understand you are concerned about a chemical smell while the deodorization process is in operation.

Rest assured, this is perfectly normal and all deodorizers work this way. This is required to neutralize any airborne odor. Deodorizers work very differently than air fresheners, which is why the results you will get will be significantly superior.

Deodorizers eliminate odors whereas air fresheners only mask odors for as long as they are running. After the deodorization process is complete, the area needs to be adequately ventilated to remove the deodorization smell. This is a two-step process and it applies to all brands with this class of product.

It is a fine balancing act between using the correct dosage to neutralize the odor you are trying to remove and over-treatment which will only increase your downtime until the deodorizing smell naturally breaks down.

A little deodorization goes a long way,  we would recommend a short conservating treatment first then repeat and increase the duration if the desired results are not achieved.

Running the deodorizer for more than about 15min for an average-sized room will lead to over-treating your environment. This is the most common mistake customers make who have not used this class of product before.

You always want to aim to use the least amount of deodorization as possible, not more. Lest is best when it comes to runtime as there is always a trade-off. This applies to all brands and models of deodorizers.

Once the maximum deodorization effect has been achieved (and this will vary depending on the application) continually increasing the run time will only increase the residual effects and the ventilation time required afterwards. It will not improve the results further.